Pennwood Cyber Charter School keeps gifted and advanced learners engaged so they can reach their full potential.

Advance Your Student’s Learning
We believe in trusting and supporting students to take ownership of their own educational journey. This highly personalized approach to learning especially helps our gifted and talented students thrive. Educators and families work together to develop a personalized learning plan for each student, allowing exceptional students to work above grade level and create their own definition of success.
At Pennwood Cyber Charter School, gifted students may enroll either in advanced courses for all subjects offered or only in their areas of strength and interest. We also offer elementary and middle school gifted and talented programs for “twice exceptional” students, who are gifted but have additional special education needs.
* AP® and Advanced Placement® are registered trademarks of the College Board. Used with permission.
AP® Administrators & Gifted Support
We offer a wide variety of online gifted and talented and AP courses designed to challenge advanced learners and prepare them to sit for AP exams. To learn more about our specific course offerings, please explore our curriculum or reach out to our team directly.
Molly Kessler
Advanced Placement® Administrator
Mollie Wolcott
Advanced Placement® Administrator
* AP® and Advanced Placement® are registered trademarks of the College Board. Used with permission.